Monday, October 20, 2008

Keeping it real

Here is a thought...

I had two different conversations today with two very different people - one a very smart and talented market researcher and the other a management consultant who specialises in leadership and development training.

Both conversations led us to talk about the aspects that will make you a valuable contributer to clients' businesses over the coming year.

We all agreed that

1. 'Brand' development consulting that does not get to the numbers will find it very hard going. Businesses will want to see an explicit return on their spend on 'brand' or not spend at all.

2. Business development and relationships centered on existing customers will be the foundation of success/survival

3. The bounce will not be far away - possibly 9-12 months - and that the time to start planning new services and initiatives to slingshot the upswing is now.

4. That the strong will come out stronger and that the weak will perish as they get stranded by the ebb tide of a boom period of growth. In effect that the slowdown will sort the wheat from the chaff.

Time to sharpen the edge ? I think so! Is this the turning point for many? Perhaps ! What do you think?

Food for thought?

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